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A handy tool to scrape recipes from the Italian website GialloZafferano, written in R.

You can filter by difficulty, cooking time, ingredients, and other fields (see the full list below).

The result is a dataframe containing all of the recipes which you can use to set up a personal cooking plan.


Install directly from GitHub.





Using get_recipes() alone will scrape the entire website with all of the recipes. You can apply filters to the search by passing one or more of the following parameters.

Available parameters

category            The recipe's category, as noted on the website
difficulty          The recipe's difficulty ("facile", "medio", "difficile")                              
cooking_time        The recipe's cooking time (15, 30 or 60 minutes)
diet                A healthy feature of the recipe ("light", "senza_glutine", "senza_lattosio", "vegetariano")
ingredient          A particular ingredient of the recipe ("pesce", "frutta", "carne", "formaggio")
cooking_method      The recipe's cooking method ("al_forno", "piatti_freddi", "fritti")
special             A special category the recipe belongs to, selected by the website


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.