In this notebook, a text mining process on the works of the Italian singer Caparezza will be performed, with the intention of finding recurring themes throughout his albums and songs.
Much of the inspiration for this project comes from this repository.
## Warning: il pacchetto 'lubridate' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr 1.1.0 ✔ readr 2.1.4
## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0
## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.0
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0
## ✔ purrr 1.0.1
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the ]8;; package]8;; to force all conflicts to become errors
## Warning: il pacchetto 'tidytext' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Warning: il pacchetto 'quanteda' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Package version: 3.3.1
## Unicode version: 13.0
## ICU version: 69.1
## Parallel computing: 8 of 8 threads used.
## See for tutorials and examples.
## Warning: il pacchetto 'quanteda.textstats' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Warning: il pacchetto 'udpipe' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Warning: il pacchetto 'wordcloud' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Caricamento del pacchetto richiesto: RColorBrewer
## Warning: il pacchetto 'textdata' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Warning: il pacchetto 'reshape2' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Caricamento pacchetto: 'reshape2'
## Il seguente oggetto è mascherato da 'package:tidyr':
## smiths
## Warning: il pacchetto 'igraph' è stato creato con R versione 4.2.3
## Caricamento pacchetto: 'igraph'
## I seguenti oggetti sono mascherati da 'package:lubridate':
## %--%, union
## I seguenti oggetti sono mascherati da 'package:dplyr':
## as_data_frame, groups, union
## I seguenti oggetti sono mascherati da 'package:purrr':
## compose, simplify
## Il seguente oggetto è mascherato da 'package:tidyr':
## crossing
## Il seguente oggetto è mascherato da 'package:tibble':
## as_data_frame
## I seguenti oggetti sono mascherati da 'package:stats':
## decompose, spectrum
## Il seguente oggetto è mascherato da 'package:base':
## union
Lyrics for the songs can be obtained using the geniusr package, available at Follow the instructions at that link to set up an API key and use it to query the Genius lyrics database.
Sys.setenv(GENIUS_API_TOKEN = "mjJVgXu4_yQNgYXFYV72Q9uXCIdTFFq3s3c8PPcUT6G1tlAedbpg0dpdZv6KJQW7")
artist_id <- search_artist("Caparezza")$artist_id
artist_songs <- get_artist_songs(artist_id)
songs_ids <- c()
for (song in artist_songs$content) {
song_id <- song$id
songs_ids <- songs_ids %>% append(song_id)
songs_titles <- c()
songs_albums <- c()
songs_lyrics <- c()
for (i in 1:length(songs_ids)) {
cat("Getting", i, "of", length(songs_ids), "id:", songs_ids[i], "\n")
song <- get_song(songs_ids[i])$content
song_title <- song$title
song_album <- song$album$name
song_lyrics <- list(get_lyrics_id(songs_ids[i]))
# some songs have no album associated with them, so we won't consider them
# additionally, some songs have no lyrics, we are excluding them too
if (!is.null(song_album) & nrow(song_lyrics[[1]]) != 0){
songs_titles <- songs_titles %>% append(song_title)
songs_albums <- songs_albums %>% append(song_album)
songs_lyrics <- songs_lyrics %>% append(song_lyrics)
## Getting 1 of 220 id: 1150532
## Getting 2 of 220 id: 4699285
## Getting 3 of 220 id: 3125243
## Getting 4 of 220 id: 5282824
## Getting 5 of 220 id: 2844092
## Getting 6 of 220 id: 3258705
## Getting 7 of 220 id: 1742623
## Getting 8 of 220 id: 1567047
## Getting 9 of 220 id: 3169827
## Getting 10 of 220 id: 5211044
## Getting 11 of 220 id: 1465254
## Getting 12 of 220 id: 5064919
## Getting 13 of 220 id: 6655588
## Getting 14 of 220 id: 87063
## Getting 15 of 220 id: 1764703
## Getting 16 of 220 id: 1660583
## Getting 17 of 220 id: 6655582
## Getting 18 of 220 id: 6655578
## Getting 19 of 220 id: 1551384
## Getting 20 of 220 id: 1574292
## Getting 21 of 220 id: 1720346
## Getting 22 of 220 id: 3259796
## Getting 23 of 220 id: 1697016
## Getting 24 of 220 id: 3259788
## Getting 25 of 220 id: 1629161
## Getting 26 of 220 id: 5064899
## Getting 27 of 220 id: 1653990
## Getting 28 of 220 id: 6655591
## Getting 29 of 220 id: 508444
## Getting 30 of 220 id: 1765924
## Getting 31 of 220 id: 3169738
## Getting 32 of 220 id: 5206097
## Getting 33 of 220 id: 3258704
## Getting 34 of 220 id: 6655584
## Getting 35 of 220 id: 1301750
## Getting 36 of 220 id: 4699288
## Getting 37 of 220 id: 477158
## Getting 38 of 220 id: 1695687
## Getting 39 of 220 id: 1780748
## Getting 40 of 220 id: 3206374
## Getting 41 of 220 id: 1179348
## Getting 42 of 220 id: 3259783
## Getting 43 of 220 id: 1468333
## Getting 44 of 220 id: 6655581
## Getting 45 of 220 id: 3258706
## Getting 46 of 220 id: 1020332
## Getting 47 of 220 id: 1956985
## Getting 48 of 220 id: 138620
## Getting 49 of 220 id: 1972029
## Getting 50 of 220 id: 1808413
## Getting 51 of 220 id: 6655585
## Getting 52 of 220 id: 6653350
## Getting 53 of 220 id: 6655589
## Getting 54 of 220 id: 1818868
## Getting 55 of 220 id: 1129028
## Getting 56 of 220 id: 1666883
## Getting 57 of 220 id: 2303076
## Getting 58 of 220 id: 3169733
## Getting 59 of 220 id: 4082891
## Getting 60 of 220 id: 1567704
## Getting 61 of 220 id: 3259784
## Getting 62 of 220 id: 6655579
## Getting 63 of 220 id: 157221
## Getting 64 of 220 id: 4699239
## Getting 65 of 220 id: 2008208
## Getting 66 of 220 id: 6655590
## Getting 67 of 220 id: 1627111
## Getting 68 of 220 id: 277931
## Getting 69 of 220 id: 1743211
## Getting 70 of 220 id: 1370608
## Getting 71 of 220 id: 1431543
## Getting 72 of 220 id: 1273049
## Getting 73 of 220 id: 4699275
## Getting 74 of 220 id: 1722122
## Getting 75 of 220 id: 1496196
## Getting 76 of 220 id: 1728625
## Getting 77 of 220 id: 4699287
## Getting 78 of 220 id: 444103
## Getting 79 of 220 id: 6655592
## Getting 80 of 220 id: 563439
## Getting 81 of 220 id: 4699242
## Getting 82 of 220 id: 4781201
## Getting 83 of 220 id: 1781729
## Getting 84 of 220 id: 3169743
## Getting 85 of 220 id: 1476014
## Getting 86 of 220 id: 4699280
## Getting 87 of 220 id: 4699270
## Getting 88 of 220 id: 674039
## Getting 89 of 220 id: 4416376
## Getting 90 of 220 id: 4146704
## Getting 91 of 220 id: 1323725
## Getting 92 of 220 id: 1979888
## Getting 93 of 220 id: 1944824
## Getting 94 of 220 id: 436581
## Getting 95 of 220 id: 4699276
## Getting 96 of 220 id: 1078236
## Getting 97 of 220 id: 3169731
## Getting 98 of 220 id: 6655595
## Getting 99 of 220 id: 172270
## Getting 100 of 220 id: 4699274
## Getting 101 of 220 id: 1080433
## Getting 102 of 220 id: 4416273
## Getting 103 of 220 id: 1941077
## Getting 104 of 220 id: 2029154
## Getting 105 of 220 id: 3259787
## Getting 106 of 220 id: 1145167
## Getting 107 of 220 id: 649250
## Getting 108 of 220 id: 1289646
## Getting 109 of 220 id: 1609006
## Getting 110 of 220 id: 6655583
## Getting 111 of 220 id: 1830824
## Getting 112 of 220 id: 4656924
## Getting 113 of 220 id: 5077619
## Getting 114 of 220 id: 4699250
## Getting 115 of 220 id: 5077702
## Getting 116 of 220 id: 5077650
## Getting 117 of 220 id: 87059
## Getting 118 of 220 id: 3169803
## Getting 119 of 220 id: 5210744
## Getting 120 of 220 id: 6655587
## Getting 121 of 220 id: 3512668
## Getting 122 of 220 id: 3258698
## Getting 123 of 220 id: 2891692
## Getting 124 of 220 id: 3259795
## Getting 125 of 220 id: 1631560
## Getting 126 of 220 id: 4699279
## Getting 127 of 220 id: 5064837
## Getting 128 of 220 id: 1351088
## Getting 129 of 220 id: 1057320
## Getting 130 of 220 id: 3169823
## Getting 131 of 220 id: 1062435
## Getting 132 of 220 id: 3169812
## Getting 133 of 220 id: 5210826
## Getting 134 of 220 id: 3259797
## Getting 135 of 220 id: 684939
## Getting 136 of 220 id: 3259786
## Getting 137 of 220 id: 6655586
## Getting 138 of 220 id: 674050
## Getting 139 of 220 id: 3258695
## Getting 140 of 220 id: 1295771
## Getting 141 of 220 id: 416170
## Getting 142 of 220 id: 1175436
## Getting 143 of 220 id: 3258697
## Getting 144 of 220 id: 3169754
## Getting 145 of 220 id: 5210740
## Getting 146 of 220 id: 3169816
## Getting 147 of 220 id: 1742619
## Getting 148 of 220 id: 5658513
## Getting 149 of 220 id: 1318750
## Getting 150 of 220 id: 3258699
## Getting 151 of 220 id: 1784240
## Getting 152 of 220 id: 3259798
## Getting 153 of 220 id: 1781873
## Getting 154 of 220 id: 4699269
## Getting 155 of 220 id: 536128
## Getting 156 of 220 id: 1286708
## Getting 157 of 220 id: 958187
## Getting 158 of 220 id: 6655593
## Getting 159 of 220 id: 168549
## Getting 160 of 220 id: 3258700
## Getting 161 of 220 id: 3169724
## Getting 162 of 220 id: 5206079
## Getting 163 of 220 id: 1818950
## Getting 164 of 220 id: 3258694
## Getting 165 of 220 id: 5008073
## Getting 166 of 220 id: 3169708
## Getting 167 of 220 id: 3169833
## Getting 168 of 220 id: 5206057
## Getting 169 of 220 id: 5211063
## Getting 170 of 220 id: 2844119
## Getting 171 of 220 id: 4679008
## Getting 172 of 220 id: 1645904
## Getting 173 of 220 id: 3169808
## Getting 174 of 220 id: 444105
## Getting 175 of 220 id: 4699283
## Getting 176 of 220 id: 1726960
## Getting 177 of 220 id: 3258703
## Getting 178 of 220 id: 1805012
## Getting 179 of 220 id: 1979649
## Getting 180 of 220 id: 3258696
## Getting 181 of 220 id: 1323083
## Getting 182 of 220 id: 5064855
## Getting 183 of 220 id: 5064860
## Getting 184 of 220 id: 1338478
## Getting 185 of 220 id: 4431339
## Getting 186 of 220 id: 1296685
## Getting 187 of 220 id: 3258702
## Getting 188 of 220 id: 3169749
## Getting 189 of 220 id: 5210729
## Getting 190 of 220 id: 1219183
## Getting 191 of 220 id: 4222510
## Getting 192 of 220 id: 1082850
## Getting 193 of 220 id: 4699277
## Getting 194 of 220 id: 1299232
## Getting 195 of 220 id: 1743210
## Getting 196 of 220 id: 4699268
## Getting 197 of 220 id: 1408167
## Getting 198 of 220 id: 2891714
## Getting 199 of 220 id: 1481189
## Getting 200 of 220 id: 674415
## Getting 201 of 220 id: 5077775
## Getting 202 of 220 id: 3055453
## Getting 203 of 220 id: 4699241
## Getting 204 of 220 id: 5077754
## Getting 205 of 220 id: 5077809
## Getting 206 of 220 id: 2053555
## Getting 207 of 220 id: 1036148
## Getting 208 of 220 id: 3169744
## Getting 209 of 220 id: 5210722
## Getting 210 of 220 id: 6655580
## Getting 211 of 220 id: 1113446
## Getting 212 of 220 id: 1336126
## Getting 213 of 220 id: 3259785
## Getting 214 of 220 id: 157178
## Getting 215 of 220 id: 4699210
## Getting 216 of 220 id: 4699281
## Getting 217 of 220 id: 87062
## Getting 218 of 220 id: 4699284
## Getting 219 of 220 id: 3258701
## Getting 220 of 220 id: 6655594
# collapse all lyrics lines into a single text
for (i in 1:length(songs_lyrics)){
songs_lyrics[[i]] <- songs_lyrics[[i]]$line %>% paste(collapse = "\n")
songs_lyrics <- unlist(songs_lyrics)
songs <- data.frame(title = songs_titles, album = songs_albums, lyrics = songs_lyrics)
Now we have got a dataframe with data about each individual song. Let’s look at the first element.
songs %>% head(1)
## title album
## 1 Abiura Di Me Le Dimensioni Del Mio Caos
## lyrics
## 1 Se pensi che possa cambiare il mondo, ti sbagli alla grande\nÈ già tanto se mi cambio le mutande\nVoglio solo darti un'emicrania lancinante\nFino a che non salti nel vuoto come uno stuntman\nPensavi che sparassi palle? Bravo\nIo sono il drago di Puzzle Bobble\nCome Crash mi piace rompere le scatole\nMa rischio le mazzate che nemmeno Double Dragon\nSarà per questo che c'è sempre qualche blogger\nChe mi investirebbe come a Frogger\nGli bucherò le gomme e bye bye\nAl limite può farmi una Sega Mega Drive\nNon mi vedrai salvare un solo lemming\nNé stare qui a fare la muffa come Fleming\nNon darmi Grammy né premi da star\nMa giocati il tuo penny e premi start\nIo voglio passare ad un livello successivo\nVoglio dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nVado ad un livello successivo\nDove dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nIo faccio politica pure quando respiro\nMica scrivo musica giocando a Guitar Hero\nQuesti argomenti mi fanno sentire vivo\nIn mezzo a troppi zombi da Resident Evil\nMacché divo, mi chiudo a riccio più di Sonic\nFino a che non perdo l'armatura come a Ghost 'n Goblins\nMi metto a nudo io\nNon mi nascondo come Snake in Metal Gear Solid\nHo 500 Amighe, intesi?\nFaccio canzoni, mica catechesi\nPrendo soldi con il pugno alzato come Super Mario\nMa non li ho mai spesi per farmi le righe come a Tetris\nLa scena rap è controversa\nSfuggo con un salto da Prince of Persia\nIo non gioco le Olimpiadi Konami\nSe stacco le mani l'agitazione mi resta\nIo voglio passare ad un livello successivo\nVoglio dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nVado ad un livello successivo\nDove dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nAbiura di me, abiura di me\nAbiura di me, di me, di me\nAbiura di me, abiura di me\nAbiura di me, di me\nIo non vengo dalla strada, sono troppo nerd\nNon sposo quella causa, ho troppi flirt\nVivo tra gente che col Red Alert\nPassa la vita su cubi come Q*bert\nHo visto pazzi rievocare vecchi fantasmi\nCome Pac-Man e Dan Aykroyd\nHo visto duri che risolvono problemi alzando muri\nChe abbatto come ho fatto in Arkanoid\nNemmeno Freud saprebbe spiegarmi\nPerché la notte sogno di aumentare le armi\nPerché la Terra mi pare talmente maligna\nChe in confronto Silent Hill assomiglia a Topolinia\nIo devo scrivere perché se no sclero\nNon mi interessa che tu condivida il mio pensiero\nNon cammino sulle nubi come a Wonder Boy\nMi credi il messia? Sono problemi tuoi\nIo voglio passare ad un livello successivo\nVoglio dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nVado ad un livello successivo\nDove dare vita a ciò che scrivo\nSono paranoico ed ossessivo fino all'abiura di me\nAbiura di me, abiura di me\nAbiura di me, di me, di me\nAbiura di me, abiura di me\nAbiura di me, di me\nStai calmo\nChe punteggio basso\nLa corte condanna il signor Rezza Capa ad anni dieci di lavori socialmente utili come spalatore di cacca di elefanti circensi\nLa seduta è sciolta, viva lo spazioporto!
Songs are ordered alphabetically by the title, and the first one appears to be Abiura Di Me.
Let’s do some cleaning: we are going to ignore alternative versions of the same song, such as live versions, radio edits and remixes. We are also keeping only the main albums, ignoring specials or compilations.
albums <- c("?! (Caparezza ?!)", "Verità Supposte", "Habemus Capa",
"Le Dimensioni Del Mio Caos", "Il Sogno Eretico", "Museica",
"Prisoner 709", "Exuvia")
songs <- songs %>%
filter(!grepl("Live|Radio Edit|Radio Version|Remix|RMX", title) & album %in% albums)
Finally, we order songs chronologically by the album, then add an id for each song.
songs <- songs %>% arrange(match(album, albums), title)
doc_ids <- vector()
for(i in 1:nrow(songs)){
id <- paste("doc", toString(i), sep = "")
doc_ids <- doc_ids %>% append(id)
songs <- songs %>% mutate(doc_id = doc_ids, .before = 1)
Let’s check the number of songs for each album.
table(songs$album) %>% %>% arrange(-Freq)
## Var1 Freq
## 1 Exuvia 19
## 2 Museica 19
## 3 Habemus Capa 18
## 4 Il Sogno Eretico 16
## 5 Prisoner 709 16
## 6 Verità Supposte 15
## 7 ?! (Caparezza ?!) 14
## 8 Le Dimensioni Del Mio Caos 14
The frequencies are correct, as every Caparezza fan will recognize.
Now we start with some text pre-processing: let’s create a corpus from the songs’ lyrics.
caparezza_corpus <- corpus(songs$lyrics, docnames = songs$id)
## Corpus consisting of 131 documents, showing 100 documents:
## Text Types Tokens Sentences
## text1 298 551 3
## text2 322 744 8
## text3 321 643 7
## text4 251 585 1
## text5 279 573 7
## text6 49 57 1
## text7 237 484 1
## text8 270 584 10
## text9 314 703 3
## text10 206 486 1
## text11 205 413 1
## text12 232 709 4
## text13 195 499 13
## text14 262 607 2
## text15 244 440 2
## text16 181 392 7
## text17 184 437 2
## text18 258 500 4
## text19 235 585 2
## text20 233 566 4
## text21 261 416 3
## text22 273 609 14
## text23 291 646 5
## text24 286 556 2
## text25 281 475 5
## text26 323 645 6
## text27 255 543 3
## text28 220 404 3
## text29 234 569 4
## text30 240 525 2
## text31 258 648 31
## text32 232 633 19
## text33 403 713 15
## text34 270 537 1
## text35 278 521 13
## text36 302 593 2
## text37 305 568 4
## text38 300 518 3
## text39 12 13 1
## text40 346 773 25
## text41 4 107 1
## text42 265 628 12
## text43 10 17 6
## text44 308 528 4
## text45 268 593 13
## text46 265 515 4
## text47 246 431 6
## text48 299 582 4
## text49 174 319 2
## text50 277 495 7
## text51 294 597 1
## text52 267 617 19
## text53 208 413 17
## text54 275 553 7
## text55 288 576 12
## text56 325 615 41
## text57 281 625 3
## text58 319 598 19
## text59 217 415 7
## text60 160 538 4
## text61 283 567 4
## text62 289 714 8
## text63 242 586 20
## text64 228 500 6
## text65 253 572 6
## text66 286 703 5
## text67 279 546 32
## text68 207 470 16
## text69 260 615 10
## text70 281 607 20
## text71 346 827 3
## text72 247 507 13
## text73 293 539 15
## text74 217 574 1
## text75 232 461 4
## text76 169 322 12
## text77 80 124 7
## text78 318 667 19
## text79 280 643 7
## text80 167 384 1
## text81 183 291 5
## text82 177 250 1
## text83 271 509 1
## text84 256 488 16
## text85 213 433 3
## text86 293 465 2
## text87 194 498 3
## text88 186 385 1
## text89 243 578 24
## text90 228 405 2
## text91 225 572 1
## text92 196 436 11
## text93 261 503 8
## text94 236 414 18
## text95 252 625 6
## text96 312 732 5
## text97 227 409 2
## text98 263 607 2
## text99 292 508 3
## text100 272 618 2
There is a total of 129 documents and for each one the total number of tokens is displayed. A token is a single occurrence of a word in the document.
## Non rappresento che me stesso perché questo sono
## Se sbaglio mi perdono
## Prima di essere MC sii uomo mi ripeto
## Fa' mille passi indietro e il risultato
## È che non mi sento per niente arrivato
## Anzi sto bene anche a cibarmi degli avanzi dei padroni sazi
## E mi piglio spazi se me li concedono
## Sennò me li lascio fottere
## Detesto combattere, che vuoi farci? È carattere
## Sbattere testa contro le porte è il mio forte
## Sono il gallo da spennare per chi bara alle carte
## Giullare di corte messo a morte e poi salvato da una chance
## Lascerei la musica, ma 'sta stronza mi fa le avances
## E non resisto, mi do in pasto alla lingua che mastico
## Investo in testi che vesto di stracci e mi riduco al lastrico
## Nella testa un mistico richiamo, poema indiano
## Che mi prende per mano e mi dice: "Andiamo!"
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Detesto l'odio ma l'ho visto venir fuori
## Dagli occhi di alcuni interlocutori
## Hanno motivi loro e i loro sguardi sono come lastre di ghiaccio
## Si scioglieranno a poco a poco al fuoco di ciò che faccio
## Se il rancore resta onestamente non mi resta niente da fare
## Che alzare i tacchi e andare, menare via
## Cullarmi nel tepore di ogni mano che ha stretto la mia
## Avere Dio come terapia
## Sarà la miopia ma faccio fatica a inquadrare la retta via
## Voglio te per compagnia
## Portami in balia della gente, dove c'è amore
## Lì sarò presente anch'io
## Ti cedo il posto mio
## Non è per vincere che vivo ma per ardere
## Perciò se dovrò perdere lasciatemi perdere e avrò perso
## Cosciente che non sono né peggiore né migliore di nessuno
## Finchè sarò diverso
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se mi ritrovo sull'incudine, sotto un martello di solitudine
## Colpo su colpo come un polpo sullo scoglio muoio, ma ci farò l'abitudine
## Se non lo sai cominciai per scherzo
## Come un bimbo immobile nell'automobile con le mani sullo sterzo
## Verso nuovi orizzonti, sopra e sotto i ponti
## Davanti a piatti pronti, pagato con assegni fatti di saldi e sconti
## Tra re, regine e fanti cercai clemenza
## Mò non vado in vacanza prima di aver lasciato una testimonianza di ciò che sono
## Coi miei tanti nomi, le contraddizioni
## Appartengo ad una strana scena, quella degli esseri umani
## Credo ai meriti che conquisto, credo in Cristo perché l'ho visto
## Credo al rischio dell'incomprensione, credo nelle persone
## Nella consolazione, nella mia devozione, in ogni azione pacifica
## Detesto l'astio che ramifica, la cassa che lo amplifica
## Canto il mio Magnificat come un pazzo a mare e monti
## Ignoranti e colti, sperando che qualcuno ascolti
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
## Se non rispondono al tuo appello, cammina solo, cammina solo
The first document of the corpus is the song “Cammina Solo” from ?!, since we have ordered songs by album and then by title.
One of the main steps of lexical analysis is the removal of punctuation marks, numbers and symbols which are not useful towards the text interpretation.
The quanteda package offers some useful tools for these operations.
corpus_tokens <- caparezza_corpus %>%
quanteda::tokens(remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_symbols = TRUE) %>%
Additionally, we would like to lemmatise: that is, to consider the lemma from which a word originates, instead of the world itself. For example, the infinitive forms of the verbs or the standard singular masculine adjective form are sufficient to express a concept, so we can safely use those instead of their derivatives.
txt <- sapply(corpus_tokens, FUN=function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\n"))
udpipe_download_model(language = "italian-isdt", model_dir = "resources/")
## Downloading udpipe model from to resources//italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe
## - This model has been trained on version 2.5 of data from
## - The model is distributed under the CC-BY-SA-NC license:
## - Visit for model license details.
## - For a list of all models and their licenses (most models you can download with this package have either a CC-BY-SA or a CC-BY-SA-NC license) read the documentation at ?udpipe_download_model. For building your own models: visit the documentation by typing vignette('udpipe-train', package = 'udpipe')
## Downloading finished, model stored at 'resources//italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe'
## language file_model
## 1 italian-isdt resources//italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe
## url
## 1
## download_failed download_message
lang_model <- udpipe_load_model(file = "resources/italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe")
outL <- udpipe_annotate(lang_model, x = txt, tokenizer = "vertical", trace = TRUE) %>%
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it_stopwords <- readLines("")
## Warning in
## readLines(""):
## riga finale incompleta in
## ''
outL <- outL %>% filter(!(token %in% it_stopwords) & !(lemma %in% it_stopwords))
We have made use of the UDPipe library annotation function.
In the process, we have also removed stopwords, words that do not bring any meaningful addition to our texts, but are only necessary to connect other words and respect syntactic rules.
Let’s have a look at random sample of five elements of the output.
outL %>% select(doc_id, token, lemma, upos) %>% sample_n(5)
## doc_id token lemma upos
## 1 doc73 tortura tortura NOUN
## 2 doc110 via via ADV
## 3 doc110 der der ADP
## 4 doc50 discovery discovery NOUN
## 5 doc54 urlava urlare VERB
To further enhance our analysis, let’s focus only on nouns, proper nouns, adjectives and verbs.
outL_reduced <- outL %>% filter(upos %in% c("NOUN", "PROPN", "ADJ", "VERB"))
Now we create a new corpus with the lemmatized lyrics.
# fct_inorder preserves original order of the column
lemmatized_lyrics <- outL_reduced %>% group_by(doc_id = fct_inorder(doc_id)) %>%
summarise(lemmatized = paste(lemma, collapse = " "))
songs <- songs %>% right_join(lemmatized_lyrics, by = "doc_id")
caparezza_corpus <- songs$lemmatized %>% corpus(docnames = songs$id)
One final step for text-processing consists in handling collocations, or multi-word units(MWUs). A collocation is a set of two or more words which are closely related and are often used together to express a single concept.
They can be identified through statistical, objective methods, like in this case.
collocations <- caparezza_corpus %>% tokens() %>% textstat_collocations %>%
arrange(-count) %>% head(10)
Looking at the collocations found by the function, we decide to take action on two of them, which seem to be clearly meant to be used together.
DTM <- caparezza_corpus %>% tokens() %>% tokens_compound(collocations[c(4,6),]) %>%
tokens_remove("") %>% dfm()
In the last step, we have created an object called DTM. This is the document-term matrix of our corpus: it’s a matrix which contains documents on its rows and terms on its columns. Every element of the matrix describes the number of occurrencies of the corresponding term inside the corresponding document.
## Document-feature matrix of: 129 documents, 8,679 features (98.55% sparse) and 0 docvars.
## features
## docs rappresentare perdere mc ripetere passo risultato sentire arrivato arma
## text1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
## text2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## text3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## text4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
## text5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## text6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## features
## docs |
## text1 2
## text2 0
## text3 0
## text4 0
## text5 0
## text6 0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 123 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 8,669 more features ]
DTM %>% dim()
## [1] 129 8679
We have got a total of 129 documents and 8679 unique terms in our corpus.
Let’s build a frequencies table for our terms and look at the most recurring ones.
words <- colnames(DTM)
freqs <- colSums(DTM)
wordlist <- data.frame(words, freqs)
wordlist %>% arrange(-freqs) %>% head()
## words freqs
## sapere sapere 152
## vedere vedere 151
## andare andare 125
## mano mano 116
## vivo vivo 108
## parlare parlare 102
And now let’s look at some useful quantities.
corpus_size <- sum(wordlist$freqs)
## [1] 22985
vocabulary_size <- nrow(wordlist)
## [1] 8679
words_occurrencies <- wordlist %>% group_by(freqs) %>% summarise(vK = n()) %>% arrange(-vK)
## # A tibble: 67 × 2
## freqs vK
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 1 5708
## 2 2 1172
## 3 3 541
## 4 4 293
## 5 5 206
## 6 6 138
## 7 7 90
## 8 8 89
## 9 9 62
## 10 10 44
## # ℹ 57 more rows
lexicon_width <- vocabulary_size/corpus_size
## [1] 0.3775941
language_refinement <- words_occurrencies$vK[1] / colSums(words_occurrencies)[2]
## vK
## 0.6576795
Words that appear only once in the entire corpus are known as hapaxes. Lexicon width is the percentage of unique words in the total number of words used in the corpus. Language refinement is the percentage of hapaxes in the total number of words used in the corpus.
In order to visualize the most frequent terms, we can use a word cloud, which portrays the terms in the corpus with different sizes depending on their relative frequency.
wordcloud(words = wordlist$words, freq = wordlist$freqs, scale = c(3.5, 0.35),
max.words = 50, random.order = F,
colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 4))
text(0.5, 1, "wordcloud with TF ponderation", font = 2)
It could be interesting to know in which songs a given word appears, especially if it seems an odd one. We can use this function.
count <- 1
for(i in songs$lyrics){
if(grepl("mamma", i)){
count <- count + 1
## [1] "Chi c*zzo me lo"
## [1] "Mammamiamamma"
## [1] "Limiti"
## [1] "Nel paese dei balordi"
## [1] "Felici ma trimoni"
## [1] "Sono troppo stitico"
## [1] "Io Diventerò Qualcuno"
## [1] "La Fine Di Gaia"
## [1] "Messa In Moto"
## [1] "Fugadà"
It is often necessary to weight terms in the corpus on the basis of their relative importance. For example, a term which occurs frequently in a document has a strong relevance for that document, but a term which occurs frequently in many different documents is less informative for any single document and should be treated as less relevant.
To account for this situation, we are going to use the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weighting.
tf_idf <- dfm_tfidf(DTM)
freqs_tf_idf <- colSums(tf_idf)
words_tf_idf <- colnames(tf_idf)
wordlist_tf_idf <- data.frame(words = words_tf_idf, freqs = freqs_tf_idf)
wordlist_tf_idf %>% arrange(-freqs) %>% head(10)
## words freqs
## mamma mamma 86.63831
## zicare zicare 86.53418
## fuga fuga 84.94036
## politico politico 76.63069
## van_gogh van_gogh 71.76005
## don't_recogniza don't_recogniza 68.76327
## tasca tasca 67.75775
## meghino meghino 67.53887
## ye-ye ye-ye 67.53887
## vivo vivo 65.38749
These are the most common terms after the applied weighting.
Let’s have a look at the new word cloud.
wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq = wordlist_tf_idf$freqs,
scale = c(3.5, 0.35), max.words = 50, random.order = F,
colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 4))
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : secessionista could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : sfogare could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : storia could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : campione could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : sapere could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : catalesso could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : caminare could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : problema could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : culpa could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : paradosso could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : metà could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = wordlist_tf_idf$words, freq =
## wordlist_tf_idf$freqs, : chiedere could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
text(0.5, 1, "wordcloud with TF-IDF ponderation", font = 2)
Let’s redo some of our previous analysis, this time considering the entire albums as documents, rather than individual songs.
lemmatized_lyrics_by_album <- songs %>% group_by(album) %>%
summarise(lemmatized = paste(lemmatized, collapse = " ")) %>% arrange(match(album, albums))
corpus_album <- lemmatized_lyrics_by_album$lemmatized %>% corpus()
DTM_album <- corpus_album %>% tokens() %>% dfm()
## Document-feature matrix of: 8 documents, 8,677 features (80.97% sparse) and 0 docvars.
## features
## docs rappresentare perdere mc ripetere passo risultato sentire arrivato arma
## text1 1 5 1 2 1 1 7 1 8
## text2 0 2 0 0 4 0 8 0 4
## text3 0 4 0 0 1 1 18 0 1
## text4 0 2 0 1 3 1 6 0 3
## text5 0 42 0 1 2 0 7 0 2
## text6 1 1 0 1 6 0 5 0 7
## features
## docs |
## text1 8
## text2 5
## text3 1
## text4 2
## text5 2
## text6 7
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 2 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 8,667 more features ]
docnames(DTM_album) <- lemmatized_lyrics_by_album$album
wordlist_album <- DTM_album %>% as.matrix() %>% t()
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)), scale = c(2, 1), max.words = 50, random.order = F,
title.size = 1, colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 8))
text(0.5, 1, "comparison cloud by album", font = 2)
We can recognize some iconic songs from each album by looking at the words: conflitto from Il Conflitto (?!), secessionista from Inno Verdano (Habemus Capa), campione from Campione dei Novanta (Exuvia), and more.
Next, we are going to analyze the co-occurrence of words in order to find terms which tend to appear in the same documents.
binDTM <- DTM %>% dfm_trim(min_docfreq = 10) %>% dfm_weight("boolean")
coocCounts <- t(binDTM) %*% binDTM
as.matrix(coocCounts[100:102, 100:102])
## libro resto leggere
## libro 15 2 4
## resto 2 12 1
## leggere 4 1 14
For example, the words libro and leggere appear together in four documents. The diagonal elements of the matrix are the total occurrencies of the word.
Let’s calculate some co-occurrence measurements for the words lavoro and then leggere: Mutual Information, Dice, and Log-Likelihood.
coocTerm <- "lavoro"
k <- nrow(binDTM)
ki <- sum(binDTM[, coocTerm])
kj <- colSums(binDTM)
names(kj) <- colnames(binDTM)
kij <- coocCounts[coocTerm, ]
mutualInformationSig <- log(k * kij / (ki * kj))
mutualInformationSig <- mutualInformationSig[order(mutualInformationSig, decreasing = TRUE)]
dicesig <- 2 * kij / (ki + kj)
dicesig <- dicesig[order(dicesig, decreasing=TRUE)]
logsig <- 2 * ((k * log(k)) - (ki * log(ki)) - (kj * log(kj)) + (kij * log(kij))
+ (k - ki - kj + kij) * log(k - ki - kj + kij)
+ (ki - kij) * log(ki - kij) + (kj - kij) * log(kj - kij)
- (k - ki) * log(k - ki) - (k - kj) * log(k - kj))
logsig <- logsig[order(logsig, decreasing=T)]
resultOverView <- data.frame(
names(sort(kij, decreasing=T)[1:10]), sort(kij, decreasing=T)[1:10],
names(mutualInformationSig[1:10]), mutualInformationSig[1:10],
names(dicesig[1:10]), dicesig[1:10],
names(logsig[1:10]), logsig[1:10],
row.names = NULL)
colnames(resultOverView) <- c("Freq-terms", "Freq", "MI-terms", "MI", "Dice-Terms", "Dice", "LL-Terms", "LL")
## Freq-terms Freq MI-terms MI Dice-Terms Dice LL-Terms LL
## 1 lavoro 12 lavoro 2.3749058 lavoro 1.0000000 politico 12.737294
## 2 mettere 7 politico 1.6817586 politico 0.4545455 giocare 8.124581
## 3 sapere 7 servire 1.2762935 giocare 0.3703704 servire 6.205002
## 4 mano 6 giocare 1.2762935 servire 0.3333333 arrivare 5.602518
## 5 parlare 6 facile 1.1709330 restare 0.3125000 restare 5.375092
## 6 arrivare 6 vecchio 1.0756228 scrivere 0.3125000 scrivere 5.375092
## 7 passare 6 donna 1.0531499 arrivare 0.3076923 donna 4.514591
## 8 vedere 5 restare 0.9886114 donna 0.2962963 gioco 4.063507
## 9 prendere 5 gioco 0.9886114 gioco 0.2857143 punto 4.063507
## 10 andare 5 punto 0.9886114 punto 0.2857143 facile 3.852185
coocTerm <- "leggere"
k <- nrow(binDTM)
ki <- sum(binDTM[, coocTerm])
kj <- colSums(binDTM)
names(kj) <- colnames(binDTM)
kij <- coocCounts[coocTerm, ]
mutualInformationSig <- log(k * kij / (ki * kj))
mutualInformationSig <- mutualInformationSig[order(mutualInformationSig, decreasing = TRUE)]
dicesig <- 2 * kij / (ki + kj)
dicesig <- dicesig[order(dicesig, decreasing=TRUE)]
logsig <- 2 * ((k * log(k)) - (ki * log(ki)) - (kj * log(kj)) + (kij * log(kij))
+ (k - ki - kj + kij) * log(k - ki - kj + kij)
+ (ki - kij) * log(ki - kij) + (kj - kij) * log(kj - kij)
- (k - ki) * log(k - ki) - (k - kj) * log(k - kj))
logsig <- logsig[order(logsig, decreasing=T)]
resultOverView <- data.frame(
names(sort(kij, decreasing=T)[1:10]), sort(kij, decreasing=T)[1:10],
names(mutualInformationSig[1:10]), mutualInformationSig[1:10],
names(dicesig[1:10]), dicesig[1:10],
names(logsig[1:10]), logsig[1:10],
row.names = NULL)
colnames(resultOverView) <- c("Freq-terms", "Freq", "MI-terms", "MI", "Dice-Terms", "Dice", "LL-Terms", "LL")
## Freq-terms Freq MI-terms MI Dice-Terms Dice LL-Terms
## 1 leggere 14 leggere 2.2207551 leggere 1.0000000 facile
## 2 sapere 9 facile 1.3044643 facile 0.3333333 interessare
## 3 mettere 8 interessare 1.2091542 interessare 0.3200000 bianco
## 4 vedere 8 bianco 1.0421001 bianco 0.2962963 vero
## 5 andare 7 voglia 1.0167823 vero 0.2926829 libro
## 6 volere 7 verità 1.0167823 libro 0.2758621 voglia
## 7 mano 6 libro 0.8989992 capire 0.2702703 verità
## 8 parlare 6 lavoro 0.8344607 volere 0.2592593 capire
## 9 vero 6 nero 0.7738361 nero 0.2580645 nero
## 10 sentire 5 vero 0.7166777 voglia 0.2500000 guardare
## LL
## 1 6.477521
## 2 5.693482
## 3 4.423185
## 4 3.915501
## 5 3.437913
## 6 3.048969
## 7 3.048969
## 8 2.913518
## 9 2.655799
## 10 2.626559
To visualize co-occurrence for a single term, we may use a graph which displays the terms co-occurrence network (including secondary co-occurrence levels).
numberOfCoocs <- 10
coocTerm <- "libro"
coocs <- calculateCoocStatistics(coocTerm, binDTM, measure="LOGLIK")
## Caricamento del pacchetto richiesto: Matrix
## Caricamento pacchetto: 'Matrix'
## I seguenti oggetti sono mascherati da 'package:tidyr':
## expand, pack, unpack
## vero paura nascere brutto parlare letto amico leggere
## 8.906301 6.536650 5.939264 5.939264 4.471098 3.941007 3.816210 3.437913
## arrivare re
## 3.251808 2.994014
resultGraph <- data.frame(from = character(), to = character(), sig = numeric(0))
tmpGraph <- data.frame(from = character(), to = character(), sig = numeric(0))
# Fill the data.frame to produce the correct number of lines
tmpGraph[1:numberOfCoocs, 3] <- coocs[1:numberOfCoocs]
# Entry of the search word into the first column in all lines
tmpGraph[, 1] <- coocTerm
# Entry of the co-occurrences into the second column of the respective line
tmpGraph[, 2] <- names(coocs)[1:numberOfCoocs]
# Set the significances
tmpGraph[, 3] <- coocs[1:numberOfCoocs]
# Attach the triples to resultGraph
resultGraph <- rbind(resultGraph, tmpGraph)
# Iteration over the most significant numberOfCoocs co-occurrences of the search term
for (i in 1:numberOfCoocs){
# Calling up the co-occurrence calculation for term i from the search words co-occurrences
newCoocTerm <- names(coocs)[i]
coocs2 <- calculateCoocStatistics(newCoocTerm, binDTM, measure="LOGLIK")
#print the co-occurrences
# Structure of the temporary graph object
tmpGraph <- data.frame(from = character(), to = character(), sig = numeric(0))
tmpGraph[1:numberOfCoocs, 3] <- coocs2[1:numberOfCoocs]
tmpGraph[, 1] <- newCoocTerm
tmpGraph[, 2] <- names(coocs2)[1:numberOfCoocs]
tmpGraph[, 3] <- coocs2[1:numberOfCoocs]
#Append the result to the result graph
resultGraph <- rbind(resultGraph, tmpGraph[2:length(tmpGraph[, 1]), ])
# Sample of some examples from resultGraph
resultGraph[sample(nrow(resultGraph), 6), ]
## from to sig
## 98 leggere nero 2.655799
## 1 libro vero 8.906301
## 78 leggere verità 3.048969
## 22 paura parlare 6.624673
## 39 arrivare vivo 6.471441
## 86 letto venere 3.426855
# set seed for graph plot
# Create the graph object as undirected graph
graphNetwork <-, directed = F)
# Identification of all nodes with less than 2 edges
verticesToRemove <- V(graphNetwork)[degree(graphNetwork) < 2]
# These edges are removed from the graph
graphNetwork <- delete.vertices(graphNetwork, verticesToRemove)
# Assign colors to nodes (search term blue, others orange)
V(graphNetwork)$color <- ifelse(V(graphNetwork)$name == coocTerm, 'cornflowerblue', 'orange')
# Set edge colors
E(graphNetwork)$color <- adjustcolor("DarkGray", alpha.f = .5)
# scale significance between 1 and 10 for edge width
E(graphNetwork)$width <- scales::rescale(E(graphNetwork)$sig, to = c(1, 10))
# Set edges with radius
E(graphNetwork)$curved <- 0.15
# Size the nodes by their degree of networking (scaled between 5 and 15)
V(graphNetwork)$size <- scales::rescale(log(degree(graphNetwork)), to = c(5, 15))
# Define the frame and spacing for the plot
# Final Plot
layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, # Force Directed Layout
main = paste(coocTerm, ' Graph'), = "sans",
vertex.label.cex = 0.8,
vertex.shape = "circle",
vertex.label.dist = 0.5, # Labels of the nodes moved slightly
vertex.frame.color = adjustcolor("darkgray", alpha.f = .5),
vertex.label.color = 'black', # Color of node names
vertex.label.font = 2, # Font of node names
vertex.label = V(graphNetwork)$name, # node names
vertex.label.cex = 1 # font size of node names
We are now going to perform a sentiment analysis on the lyrics of the songs. At this link, you can download NRC emotion lexicons in different languages. It allows you to catalogue words in positive / negative classes and even emotions, as we will see later.
sentiment_lexicon <- read.table("resources/Italian-NRC-EmoLex.txt",
header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
sentiment_lexicon_corpus <- sentiment_lexicon %>% filter(Italian.Word %in% colnames(DTM))
positive_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(positive == 1) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
negative_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(positive == 0) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
counts_positive <- rowSums(DTM[, positive_terms])
counts_negative <- rowSums(DTM[, negative_terms])
counts_all_terms <- rowSums(DTM)
relative_sentiment_frequencies <- data.frame(
positive = counts_positive / counts_all_terms,
negative = counts_negative / counts_all_terms
sentiments_by_album <- aggregate(relative_sentiment_frequencies,
by = list(album = songs$album), mean)
## album positive negative
## 1 ?! (Caparezza ?!) 0.07331877 0.2368422
## 2 Exuvia 0.08534713 0.2859161
## 3 Habemus Capa 0.05526262 0.2870167
## 4 Il Sogno Eretico 0.06532196 0.2448593
## 5 Le Dimensioni Del Mio Caos 0.07163986 0.2457957
## 6 Museica 0.05849356 0.2971109
df_sentiment <- melt(sentiments_by_album, id.vars = "album")
ggplot(data = df_sentiment, aes(x = album, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack") + coord_flip()
Here we have catalogued every single word, then grouped words by albums and visualized the sentiment distribution for each album. We see that the sentiment is mostly negative for every single one. It has probably to do with the topics that appear in Caparezza’s songs, who is notoriously a socially engaged singer and therefore often criticizes the hypocrisy of society.
It would be interesting to know if there is at least one song with more positive words than negative ones. Let’s find out.
positive_songs <- aggregate(
relative_sentiment_frequencies, by = list(album = songs$title),
mean) %>% filter(positive > negative)
## album positive negative
## 1 Chi Se Ne Frega Della Musica 0.2097561 0.2000000
## 2 Fugadà 0.2131783 0.1627907
## 3 Uomini di molta fede 0.1634615 0.1250000
Here they are. Chi se ne frega della musica, Fugadà and Uomini di molta fede have been classified as mostly positive songs.
For the last part of our analysis, we are going to look at the emotions, specifically anger, fear, joy and sadness, using the same NCR lexicon as before.
anger_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(anger == 1) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
fear_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(fear == 1) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
joy_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(joy == 1) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
sadness_terms <- sentiment_lexicon_corpus %>% filter(sadness == 1) %>%
select(Italian.Word) %>% pull()
counts_anger <- rowSums(DTM[, anger_terms])
counts_fear <- rowSums(DTM[, fear_terms])
counts_joy <- rowSums(DTM[, joy_terms])
counts_sadness <- rowSums(DTM[, sadness_terms])
relative_emotion_frequencies <- data.frame(
anger = counts_anger / counts_all_terms,
fear = counts_fear / counts_all_terms,
joy = counts_joy / counts_all_terms,
sadness = counts_sadness / counts_all_terms
emotions_by_album <- aggregate(relative_emotion_frequencies,
by = list(album = songs$album), mean)
## album anger fear joy sadness
## 1 ?! (Caparezza ?!) 0.03095043 0.04822721 0.03773830 0.03649381
## 2 Exuvia 0.02946261 0.04224000 0.04497954 0.02364693
## 3 Habemus Capa 0.03003343 0.04499670 0.02233911 0.02429495
## 4 Il Sogno Eretico 0.02612953 0.02751830 0.02772947 0.03357154
## 5 Le Dimensioni Del Mio Caos 0.02456764 0.03229070 0.02613714 0.01702260
## 6 Museica 0.06870738 0.07543487 0.02139712 0.04249225
df_emotions <- melt(emotions_by_album, id.vars = "album")
ggplot(data = df_emotions, aes(x = album, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack") + coord_flip()
Anger and fear are the prevailing emotions and they are mostly noticeable in the Museica album. The album where joy shares a larger percentage is Exuvia.